Thread: Condoms.
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Old 12.05.2012, 05:06 PM   #55
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!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by Nefeli
c) noone is worth an infection. [...] wont say that s/he is the partner of your life

i know you didn't mean this, but your post reminded me of a true story i know about.

this kid i once met (friend of friends) fell in love with another boy who had AIDS. and the kid himself being involved in the health care field (won't say where or how, won't name names) wanted to be an AIDS activist and organize for a cure or something but anyway in solidarity with his boyfriend he gets himself infected-- blam! knowingly and all. what's mine is yours, what's yours is mine. is that like, tragic, romantic love or what? yes, yes it is. "till death do us part" or "let's die together." one could write a tragic melodrama and make a corny movie about that shit.

except that -- they broke up later. :/
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