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Old 12.04.2012, 03:38 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by tesla69
Rob, can you expand on this? I don't know of hives of bees attacking other hives of bees. There are certainly territorial and mating violence. The logistics of war seem to be distinctively human, especially wars based around philosophy.

I agree animals kill, sometimes not for food, that is natural. A cat toying with a mouse, it is natural.

But I've come to see war as the natural state of the human. Sadly.

Have you ever actually watched a cat toy with a mouse? It is heart wrenching, it is as devastatingly pointless as sitting in an ICU or watching the bombs go off on the evening news in some far away places knowing human beings are suffering as a consequence. I've learned an invaluable lesson from watching my house cats play with their prey, sometimes the mouse gets away. I've learned the importance of human dignity, of keeping faith, of staying optimistic and positive and hopeful even when facing the jaws of death, because like the death-sentenced mouse in the cat's mouth, sometimes, just sometimes by the sheer will to live we can always get away and survive to live another day. Cats are lovely creatures, but they can be cruel. Nature is not harmony, it is chaos. Human beings are made in the Image of God to bring harmony to this chaos, to seek balance in this realm of divided loyalties and disorder. Darwin was right on all accounts, both in discovering survival of the fittest and yet conversely in having been so devout and pious as a young man. FAITH in God is what leads to FAITH in humanity which is what saves the dying world. Life will survive humanity, but will it survive itself? Possibly not without a little conscious effort through the UNNATURAL selection of Humano-Divine intervention..
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