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Old 12.04.2012, 03:29 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
simple life forms do not know how to use, much less construct, and create, the internet, computers, language.

all animals wage war of some sort, especially primates. we need to go BEYOND that, and thinking we are all just animals will never get us there.

Actually, when you do the math, the ways in which microscopic life implement survival strategies, even chemical warfare, is even more impressive than our own efforts towards the same. Plants communicate through chemical messaging and then launch chemical warfare against their predators by releasing noxious or even poisonous chemicals to deter being eaten or invaded by herbivores or insect colonies. Bacterias and fungi use chemical weapons to defeat their competition, hence how we even discovered Penicillin in the first place. the wars that other animals wage are not necessarily as symbolic as human war. See, when a bacteria or a primate fight each other, essentially it is survival. HOWEVER, human beings survive in the OPPOSITE approach, through communal living. So when we wage war, it is not survival but the opposite, it is suicide. Flips the entirety of the whole cosmic balance. Other lifeforms on Earth fight to survive, good for them. When we fight, it is counter-productive to our own survival, heaven help us ;(

Originally Posted by gast30

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