so now i have your attention )
wich i'm glad to
ps: if you don't believe in evolution theory
this thread is nothing for you and i don't want to read your complains OK
move on to another thread
thank you
i want to speak out about this universal theory that the animals HAVE NOTHING TO DO
have you ever thought in your life of what you needed to do?
don't you come then to the simple conclusion that you don't need to do nothing
if you believe in evolution theory
you look at animal
what do the animals do on planet earth?
they eat, it is the food chain
the big animal eats the small animal ect.
outside of eating they do nothing
i want to bring you from this point to the way the homo sapian followed
back to the basics of homo sapian
HOMO SAPIAN : - most close animal to the homo sapian is the bonobo
......................- DNA is 98% simulair to chimpansee
......................- first lived in the trees and then started to walk on land, location -> mid east africa
so now the basics are refreshed )
and yes now like it
like the modern days, people been wondering for years what life was all about
now in moderns days we finally know what we are and where we came from
embrace it love it
that is what i say
because the modern days make and end to confusion
we know everthing we wanted to know
and we can move safely from that into the future
as i was say'ing
with the basics refreshed ......
we know that we are aboluutly free in our origin
we have nothing to do outside of eating food like animals in the foodchain
and then grow old and leave life
the same as all the animals
compleetly natural life
and as we are 100% nature in body
conclusion: the universal theory sez homo sapian live exactly like all other animals from birth to end
compleetly free
has nothing to do
the real life