Originally Posted by Severian
I like you.
I have a lot to say in response to this, but not a lot of time. I just want to ask one thing, regarding your understandable cynicism about SF:
Have you ever read Gene Wolfe? Specifically the "Book of the New Sun" (which is actually four books, plus a "coda" fifth volume, all of which lead into a second four part, distantly linked sequel (Book of the Long Sun) which itself leads to a three part finale, (Book of the Short Sun) ?
If you haven't, it's imperative that you do so immediately. I did a minor in philosophy for my undergrad, and I think New Sun should be required reading for any philosophy program. It's the greatest work of speculative fiction I've ever encountered.
(Ps, The only philosophy that I enjoyed in the presence of the dullards in my program, was religious philosophy. I loved it, and that plays a role in my interest in SF. More later, hopefully)
i'm not at all cynical about the genre-- on the contrary, it's one of the few places where anglosaxon writers allow themselves the gift of imagination. i much rather read science fiction than shit like, eh, david eggers or that fucker who killed himself, what was he called, another mcsweeney fucker.
nah, i take that back. was just spewing hate.
but yeah-- fuck and blast bland navel-gazing middle-class-goggled first-world-problems "realism"
anyway, i'll check out the dude you say because i haven't read him. in fact, i'm planning a trip to the bookstore this week thanks to this thread.
also, cheeto recommended rudy rucker-- i'd second that. and did you know he's a descendent of hegel? chuckle-worthy but true.
anyway when you have time please write back etc. since some things your post hints at appear to be interesting (though i really don't care about religion, except as a subgenre of fantastic fiction)
anyway, back to work, ufffff....