Originally Posted by Severian
Why would Baseball put people off? The movie was great; probably my favorite of 2011. And Pitt hasn't NOT deserved an Oscar nod since the 90s. He's an incredible actor.
I agree, I've had a bromance crush on Brat Pitt since I was a kid yo, that dude is a seriously great actor at every level. Like Chris Walken, even his really really terrible roles or even bad acting is still decent enough. Though with these recent Chanel No 5 ads, I'm not sure if he is bad acting or going for facetious.
My favorite Brad Pitt moments are in Twelve Monkies, he is the perfect schizo, he can play in and out of sanity better than Gene Wilder
Originally Posted by Severian
Bane was an admittedly weak character throughout much of his comic career, but that's a issue of execution. He was supposed to be Batmans equal, in both strength and intelligence. He was never really written that way though. I think Nolan and Tom Hardy did an excellent job of turning him into a realistic, genuinely threatening, and pretty self-contained villain. Thalia is only a "bad guy" for ten minutes. I actually think Bane is somehow more sinister than the Joker was. After all, in Nolan's world he was an agent of anarchy and unpredictability. He's not evil incarnate. He's just THE personification of violent energy and collective social psychological suppression of madness.
The joker had a lesson to teach us (at least until he realized his hypothesis about humanity was wrong, at which point he went batshit and beat Batmans ass faster than anyone ever has before)..,. He gave people a choice. Bane makes a point of giving only the illusion of choice, just so the final damage will hurt thatch more. He just wants to kill people and end lives, and he cares about nothing else (except for Thalia's hot ass which he would no doubt tap if he didn't feel a paternal affection for her).
He was far and away the highlight of the film, which surprised me.
When I saw the Dark Knight trailer, I knew I was going to love it. I didn't know I was going to love the second until after I'd already seen it. It just didn't sound like a great idea, honestly. But he'll, the second time through I was afraid I'd be bored. Instead, I held in my piss until I thought I was going to drown, and I took in every moment. I guess I can see how some might be disappointed, but I have to ask: why spend 9 hours watching a movie that you think (and, for the second and third time, know) sucks?!
The Dark Knight is clearly the best film, with its only flaw being the appearance of the guy who played Spawn as the token black gangster who luckily gets fucking killed. But I am totally happy with the trilogy and the way it ended, and I don't think I've ever felt that way about ANY film trilogy before. This is impressive because I am notoriously picky when it comes to "superhero" based films. There have only been about seven in history that are worth watching, and Nolan just flushed out the top three.
Iron Man 3 is about as exciting a prospect as sniffing a bucket that the guy from Coldplay just farted in.
I am looking forward to Skyfall, but that's a little different.

WAAAY too into it