Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what the fuck are yout alkinga bout suchfriends? could you rewrite than in Plain English?
you know, like, for furrners.
Its my attempt at being gastbot
Lebron James= high school phenom basketball player who entered the NBA at 18 making millions of dollars and putting up all-star statistics even in his first game! He was billed to be the one to dethrone Kobe Bryant who had replaced Michael Jordan as the NBA's greatest player. Basketball was polarized, a lot of people didn't like Kobe (hey here in LA we only liked Jordan because he humiliated our rivals the Seattle Supersonics and the Utah Jazz) so folks put their hopes and beefs on the young Lebron James' shoulders. After all, the kid really could ball it up like he was the next Magic Johnson (and true to form of the Bird-Magic bromance, Magic likes to insist that Lebron is the next Larry Bird

). Moral of the story, Lebron James had some of the greatest performances in NBA history, and yet couldn't get a Championship. He was simply never challenged, and didn't push himself enough. Winning it all isn't about a single player, its about a player who can push an entire team, and Lebron just couldn't do that. He had to get clowned by the veteran San Antonia Spurs (fuck Texas basketball yo!!) in 2007 and then again by the Dallas Mavs in 2011. Finally he realized it takes even MORE work than just being a phenom, just being praised, just being coddled by peoples' instant affection. Lebron realized it was all or nothing, just like a trustfund college kid finally realizes when like the young Saddhartha they finally leave the palace and enter the Darwinian real world. He thrived. He put up a legendary performance, and more importantly, the team thrived, and dominated. Bingo. NBA Championship for the young phenom, who finally had to realize sometimes the chips are down, keep playing your top game. Bill Clinton had to learn this same thing when it suddenly looked like Newt Gingrich (???) was the new golden boy. Pimpin Bill Clinton came back thriving through adversity to pimp another generation of Americans. Now Barry Obama is in the same situation. He was barely a congressmen, even less of a senator ( I mean in experience, not action, he was involved in quite a bit of legislation in his brief tenure there) and just kept jumping the ladder, the way Lebron James was allowed to skip college, skip earning fame and acclaim by consistently winning games and championships. In 2004 people were already say the brotha was going to be the first black president. However, he was green, he hadn't had enough of that ugly experience to understand how government and politics function on the day to day level. There is a reason presidents tend to come from a legislative or government background. It is also the reason why Mitt Romney will not win either, he is greener than Obama. So now that Barry has lost his shine, had his own Lebron James Decision moment where the country started to turn on him, and now has in his first term essentially lost at the Finals, in his reelection bid this is his chance to finally win it all. Just like when the Heat faced the young Oklahoma City Thunder (who in this instance is Mitt Romney), Barry Obama has all the advantages to persuade Americans