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Old 10.10.2012, 08:54 AM   #183
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I live in the battleground state of Ohio. It sucks! Glad my vote is so important, but I feel like I'm getting anally probed on a daily basis.

The landscape is littered with political signs. So many they block out the sun.

In addition to the pointless polls and even more pointless robo-calls, I've been getting these calls from various Blahblah for American Whateverthefuck. The message invites me to press "1" to join a conference call that will begin momentarily.

Last week, it was Veterans for a Strong America. Some moderator and a retired CIA agent answered questions from regular folk, ostensibly about veterans issues. Really stupid questions, obviously. "Why do you gentleman think Obama hates the military so much?" a question these "gentleman" took the time to answer.

Last night, some Catholic group. "We are non-partisan. Please press '1' to join the conversation about important issues facing the day." Yeah right. The first question I heard: "If Obama is pro-abortion, doesn't that mean he's okay with killing Americans? Isn't that treason?"

I don't know what's worse: living in, say, LA where the state, county and probably suchfreind's ward will vote democratic. Yawn.

Or living in a place where the vote is so important you get fucked with daily. For at least a month. By everyone.

End rant.
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