by keeping things exacly as they are they are trapped in their own lies
and living of on the peace of the population
the pasive population
they should be thankfull for a peacefull population
in reality they are not and take abuse of the peace that is develloped
and LIE and LIE how much THEY care about them
their only interest is equal to a child that has interest in toys
they have no devellopment
a few days ago i seen a rich woman who have had a visit of people that make jewelery for pets
for a little dog she bought a necklase of 150.000$
rich people are really GU GU GA GA
i seen the hero's of 9-11
people who helped to save other peoples lives after the attacks on the twin towers
and i see them beg for money for their medical bills
this was from the burning buildings, the pollution that was fly'ing in the air
and i see them die in hospitalbeds
hero's who are die'ing
hero's who are asking for help
asking for papers from doctors to prove them rite
that they were sick from the 9-11 attacks
and the doctors refuse to help them
refuse to see them as victims of the pollution of the 9-11 attacks
people give their pets a necklace of 150.000$
and a hero has to die like waste
what the fuck is this for a world?
the basic problem is the finacial world is it now a tool of psychopats
who danger the population
in a normal world the responsibility of the financial world, banks and related insitutions, is to make sure everyone has money
that the money is spread everywhere
money for agriculture
money for education, modern technology, devellopment
money for arts, music, film, theatre
money for space exploration
money for housing, energy, cleaner green technology
so we can move on with the future
and make a better future ready for the next generation