Originally Posted by LimitlessLovingCasper
Gast theres no need to argue with someone at a forum
you are right and it is a nice that you say this
i was thinking this morning what shaped me
that is also the reason why i'm here is
because i liked music, music that was for 90% comming from america
i'm more an american music orientaded person
i'm just fysicly walking around here in europe
once i was walking around in europe where there were no mobile phones, no internet
that belongs to the past
i can understand that new things create fear
carl gustaf jung mentioned this fear of the new/unknown in his book of psycho analytics of the dreams
this fear i think is the basic reason that europeans not develloped towards cosmopolitans
open to the world
the europeans where victims of extremist/terroristic propaganda once again
and i lived in this europe
opened myself to the modernworld
did not have fears
people with fears are the alians of the modernworld
they live in the past
propaganda machines tapped into their emotions and manipulated them
a machinery of hate propaganda
brought europe back to 1940
this is not 1940
today is europe at the end of 2012
everywhere you go on this planet
you have a sort of talibanisation
people that move away from freedom
they don't want to be free
they want to control people
they want to chain people
they are powersick in their minds
looking for people who they can chain
looking for people who they can control and slave to their standards of life
the only thing these european taliban has in common is FEAR
it is the FEAR they share, the fear they exploit to have an income through politics, a sad showoff of apes who have a low IQ
the alians of the modern world
-gast30 7 october 2012