Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i lissened to most of the interview and it was pretty good, though he's hard to understand cuz he sort of has a very low-volume growl. he doesn't project at all.
true story: i've seen chomsky up close and personal several times and i'm convinced that he's an alien for 2 reasons:
1) he has an enormous head. i mean ENORMOUS.
2) he glows in the dark. this i have seen with my own eyes.
i also read the robert fisk article-- a very good one! i haven't had time to reply due to work + my free time has been devoted to the UEFA games. prolly will reply closer to the weekend.
I tried, but alas, it was too dribbling... I would have killed for a transcript
I did like how he rightfully mentioned the "other King Dream speach" (i.e. speaking out against Vietnam on April 4, 1967 and again on April 3, 1968) which doesn't comfortably fit into our liberalized narrative of King as not being a radical. To me, the Beyond Vietnam speech from 1967 is STILL a manifesto for my daily living. Every year on the anniversary of his passing, I listen to that speech to here the power of his voice, and meditate on the depth of his words. There is so much Truth resonating across even four decades, and it is as pertinent today as it was then. This is my premise for being more active than voting. YES King initially was very much involved in the legitimate political system, and yet, but he end of his life, I think he reassessed the successes and failures, and it seems from many of his speeches during 1967-1968 that he would have promoted a boycott of the 68 elections before he ever promoted a Rock the Vote kind of campaign like he had in 1964. It seems that the good Dr King had finally realized that the racist political machinery of his time had been USING him to pacify radicalism.
"Should he abandon his supposed obedience to the white-liberal doctrine of non-violence, and to embrace militant black nationalism, through Counter-Intelligence it should be possible to pin point potential trouble makers, and neutralize them"
Like Jah B (Bunny Wailer) said, "Some of the brothers may have gotten a bit, (hesitates) soft along the way, which may be why they are not here with us today, still, the flag has got to be hoisted!!!"