the old movements of power
who think they are present in today
because they have weapons, people who they pay to keep people stupid, control the media, internet
with their justice system that is nothing more then vicious circel of who is wrong or right according to the religion written 1000 years ago
so i see it like this
the reason why no one did much to stop the killing of the people in syria
is because the justice china and russia see in these acts of a regime that tortures and rapes childeren and woman and kill many others
russia and china NOW can not get out of these happenings
as they supported these actions
THEY have to live with it
then ...
they make a fall towards the south
towards the oil
and hang with iran
then .. you have the arab states who are also aware and oppose the war in syria and are more friendly towars the west, america
then you have europe where russia lost it grip on the east
more european countries who where sovjet joined europe
europe has now it's difficulties of sleeping west europe politicians
they slept for a long time, i can say you that
and now they wake up in the crisis that is going on everywhere in europe
the acttacks in afganistan is the blindness of extreemist who can see that they killed the most of their people
and still stay in the believe that they are
it is again the hate propaganda that piosond the minds of people
and dragged them into war
to kill people
it is the hate propaganda that kills people
that let people see, think that there is an enemy
ongoing attacks in iraque
in africa
what ever happens
i still have to minimize these dangerous groups of people of the 7 billion people
many people don't buy hate propaganda
and many people don't know the hidden agenda's
where they can be victims of
so in the future no hidden agenda's
if you are a good person understand peace
you have no hidden agenda
this is not a garantee you won't be attacked or killed
as most of the people that are killed are good peacefull people