Originally Posted by Murmer99
Funny, this is the only film of his that I thoroughly enjoyed. It really is a great piece of work and unfortunately the only great film he ever made in my honest opinion. I admittedly haven't seen a few though.. the one that comes to mind right away being Down By Law, which I've heard good things about. Out of curiosity, which of his other films would you put right next to LOC?
I always enjoy your posts, and I wasn't able to rep you this time 
Well thank you very much. hmmm... I think first and foremost it has to be the combination of both Down By Law and Stranger Than Paradise, along with Dead Man. Even toss Broken Flowers in the mix, I really enjoyed that one. I've been meaning to rewatch that. Haven't seen Mystery Train and Night On Earth, must buy the Criterion Blu-rays asap.