okay but right now in this presidential and congressional election it's time to put the democrats back in control so we can actually hold them accountable ans not go back 2 steps wth teabagger programs and economy-killing austerity. after november, once maybe the democrats control the house again we can have fights between progressives and blue dogs and unions about energy policy or the domestic budget, just like once we bickered about getting single payer vs. mandatory insurancs vs. public option (oh, the luxury of that discussion, if they take health reform away!).
right now we just gotta move the needle and make sure that the point of departure for all debates on the political situation is slightly more human-friendly next time. just look at the republican vs democrat take on immigration for gay couples, for fucks sakes. we still have a category of people not afforded equal rights because of outright bigotry. and this is 2012.