Originally Posted by !@#$%!
it's your all-or-nothing simplistic thinking that i find so irritating. life is complicated, for fucks sakes. just let that fact register in your consciousness and all will be well. less baptist, more jesuit please.
Its not about all-or-nothing, and what I find so irritating is that you can
so easily overlook war crimes, mass deportations (1,200,000 in the past three years we're talking about fucking Hitler numbers
), extensive tolerance of corporate fraud and corruption, all the while relying on feel-good speeches and wishful thinking about shoulda-woulda-coulda futures while in the meantime allowing this terrible machine to carry on as ever. My brother, understand the world is not perfect, but those are some glaringly dangerous flaws to overlook so casually. Further, I think it is rather disingenuous of you to rely upon the Democratic talking point of villafying, scape-goating and outright lying about the Republicans to generate and perpetuate fear-mongering based politics. If as you've suggested that GOP obstructionism is blocking a Democratic agenda, then how exactly is FURTHER alienating us from them going to bridge the gap and lubricate the negotiations? Sounds to me like drawing increasing lines in the sand will other further provoke hostility, antagonism, and four more years of political bickering and in-house fighting. Fuck that.