Originally Posted by !@#$%!
suchfriends, you're so addled you don't know what you're arguing. the president is/isn't a dick isn't the issue here.
what i've been fighting is your claims that
1) the democratic system is worthless,
2) voting is worthless
3) it makes no difference who is in power.
Actually, sir, you have it all wrong. Go back to page 4 and read what I initially said to you which started this quarrel in the first place. You may just be surprised to find out that all I was doing on this thread was criticizing the president, and it is your ugly partisan politics which made in an either/or issue, which muffled and distracted from the original topic, which as I said, was to criticize the president and the Democratic Party. My later assertions about the lack of efficacy involved in voting should be seen as the tangent, which is why I brought it back to the original argument. And yes, considering that is just good-cop bad-cop, and that so many of the crooked Republican agendas have dominated the policies of the Obama administration (including passing GOP versions and agenda regarding Wall Street reform and of course signing what is essentially Newt Gingrich's healthcare reform proposals from the mid-1990s all while continuing the Bush Tax cuts unabated and escalating several hot theaters of war and scapegoating the blame on Bush when it is rightfully his own to bear)
Its not about ideological purity or living in a world of political fantasy, is about holding our incumbent leadership accountable for not even living up to the core fundamentals of their philosophies, all the while pandering and posturing out of poisonous partisanship divides and inaccurate and exaggerated fear-mongering about the opposition. Once we get this bullshit election out of the way we can continue to criticize and demand from whatever president we get our needs as a community and a society. In the meantime, we shouldn't be to gushy over the sitting president or his deceptive political party, because when we are duped by them, we empower them to disenfranchise ourselves. When we shrug our shoulders and gave to their fear-strategies, we do nothing to stop the Democrats from deporting ANOTHER 450,000 next year. We don nothing to stop the Democrats from expanding the War(s) into Korea, Iran, Yemen, and Pakistan. We do nothing to stop the Democrats from pissing on our leg and telling us its raining why their policies fire HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pubic-sector workers. We do nothing to stop the inherent corruption of the system which favors greedy corporate interests and hawkish war-mongers who are forever married to the devastating military-industrial complex.
Brother, when you blindly support one party simply to thwart another, you DO NOTHING FOR YOUR SOCIETY but shoot yourselves in the foot, the difference is you are just choosing which foot to shoot, the left or the right. Call me old-fashioned, but I'm not quite ready to disfigure my body and disable my walking just for political convenience and a bunch of feel-goodism wishful thinking