Originally Posted by !@#$%!
why don't you get a position yourself, mr. all-talk-and-no-show bongwater oracle?
Let's talk about your Jesus II:
It is ironic that Selassie liked to project an image of himself to the world of a kind, tolerant and benevolent soul, yet those in his country who detracted from this image were usually executed.
Haile Selassie was not God or a great reformer; but a callous, greedy, thieving autocrat, who should be remembered for the murdering leech that he was.
It surprises me that you would denigrate yourself to such immature and petty nonsense. Yes, HIM Haile Selassie is a complicated figure in history, and I am glad that you have enough sense to point out the contradiction, but in this instance, its not applicable, because true, you can try to discredit me as a speaker, but what I am saying stands true beyond any questions of my credibility. The fact that you've gotten so defensive that essentially you just put out a Super-PAC TV-AD style hit on me should embarrass you.
Let me reiterate the point, all bongs aside.
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I applaud what you've done, keep it up, but stop being counter-productive to your own successes by promoting lame ass political partisanship and bullshit political jingoism and fear mongering 