look here you fucking absolutist dolts, and tell me if it doesn't make a difference to have a rational person or a religious nutcase in charge, even if the rational person isn't your emperor-messiah:
yes, obama keeps killing people with drones, ran into a legal mess trying to close guantanamo, hasn't finished the war in afghanistan, authorized domestic espionage, but he also pulled out of iraq, and more importantly he's not trying to fulfill idiotic prophecies by religiously-addled lunatics from 2000 years ago.
for all the shit that people talk about obama not being "progressive' enough there are millions of wingnuts equally crying that he's not doing enough to support israel, that he needs to start a war with iran, that he should have escalated with russia over georgia, that he's an agent of Kenyan anticolonialism, etc.
you can't fucking please everybody, and i'm not saying that i'm 100% pleased with obama, but shit, the "what's the alternative" question isn't just rethorical, it's a real life-and-death question when it comes to a lot of issue-- even if it's not EVERY FUCKING ISSUE.
if you want someone like president willard to take over, then don't vote for his oponent if that makes you feel clever or morally superior, but don't come crying about it when he takes over and begins another shitstorm-- we haven't even finished cleaning up the crap from the last one, either in foreign policy or in the economy, and the last thing we need is more tax cuts for millionaires and more military spending, but you say it's all a mirage and it makes no difference. very well you deluded fucks.
just take a look at this motherfucker:
you fucking imbeciles
obama is far from perfect but at least he believes in science-- you don't