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Old 09.14.2012, 03:37 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
look here you fucking absolutist dolts, and tell me if it doesn't make a difference to have a rational person or a religious nutcase:


yes, obama keeps killing people with drones, ran into a legal mess trying to close guantanamo, hasn't finished the war in afghanistan, but he pulled out of iraq and he's not trying to fulfill idiotic prophecies by religiously-addled lunatics from 2000 years ago.

You realize that Barack pulled out of Iraq following to a T every detail of the Bush negotiated?


for all the shit that people talk about obama not being "progressive' enough there are millions of wingnuts saying that he's not doing enough to support israel, that he needs to start a war with iran, that he should have escalated with russia over georgia, etc. etc.

Oh you mean like how Democratic hawks like John Kerry are always suggesting?

if you want president willard, then don't vote, but don't come crying about it.

I ain't crying, just keeping it real yo.

look at this motherfucker:

you fucking imbecile

Way to fear-monger !@#$%!, are you seriously reading what you type here or has a DNC spambot hijacked your account? Broham, we all know Mitt ain't gonna win, and that the Republicans are just playing bad cop to Mr. Obama's good cop. Then with all of us duped, the president can continue to carry out the Clinton plans of secret wars all over the world.
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
No, Clinton's wars were all in secret, but what exactly do you think provoked the Bush era in the first place? Did y'all forget about places like Haiti, Columbia, or Somalia? The No-Fly-Zone over Iraq was enforced until 2000 including hundreds of sorties being dropped during that time. Lets not forget about Liberia, the Congo, Central African Republic, Cambodia, Kenya and Tanzania, Macedonia (twice), Bosnia (three times), Serbia (twice), All places where thousands of US boots were on the ground under the Clinton administration.. Further, Clinton was the master of the international free-trade agreements which birthed the Walmart effect. Clinton is not a Saint, rather, like Mr. Obama he is just a bit more persuasive than the Republicans, but they are all in the same bed together.

The Republicans are just a bit more bellicose in their wargames, but understand that both parties are complicit in this evil. If you again feel comfortable supporting all that baggage, I am a bit surprised to see it. Wishful thinking on your part, but wishful thinking it remains.
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