Really? So American politics are even more racially divided in during the era of Reconstruction? Since the GOP has decided to just roll the dice on an all-white interest platform, it looks like Obama has gone the opposite, and is pandering to the all-non-white (and "liberal" white) sector. What a crock of shit! Ask the Black Caucus, what has the first black president done for black folks? Aside from symbolism, NOTHING! What has the first democratic, labor oriented president done for the common worker? NOTHING! What has a Nobel Peace prize winning president done to end the war(s)? NOTHING! Fuck that, and fuck them! I can only support Mr. Obama because the opposition is so vitriolically and obviously racist, that I want nothing to do with them. But the Democrats are feeling spoiled, and since they know its like the novel 1984, they don't have to do anything for people, they just have to play good cop to the Republican bad cop. This makes the Democrats AS racist if not MORE so than the Republicans, because at least the GOP is obvious about it. When the Democrats pander to "minorities" and yet do NOTHING to pursue theirs and our interests, that is the same empty racism that the other guys are offering. What has the President done exactly? Bailed out the big banks, caved on healthcare reform to give us the bullshit Newt Gingrich plan from 1995, has continued these ugly and self-defeating Bush Tax cuts, DEPORTED ALMOST 2 MILLION PEOPLE (!!!), done NOTHING for Immigration reform, an alas, the War(s) carry on as ever...
Great haircut, terrible policy.
Fuck these assholes, fuck those assholes.. vote for yourself