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Old 08.31.2012, 10:10 PM   #23
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By Mitchell Landsberg, Los Angeles Times
August 31, 2012
TAMPA, Fla. — Earl Phillip is a North Carolina delegate to the Republican National Convention, a member of the party since he was 18 and a passionate believer in its ideals. He is also African American, which made him stand out this week in a sea of white faces on the floor of the convention hall.

The day he arrived, Phillip said, "I walked out there, I looked around, and I couldn't count any black folks."

There were some, eventually, but not a lot. Nor, if he had tried, would he have counted many Latinos or other ethnic and racial minorities — except on the podium, where Republicans showcased their diversity with speakers who reflected the party's aspirations more than its reality.

As the United States steadily shifts from a predominantly white country to one in which nonwhites will soon be a majority, the Republican Party has a demographic challenge.

It does very well, generally speaking, among non-Latino white voters, especially white male voters, who were in abundance at its convention.

Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
romney is not going to get elected!!!!, no big deal, calm down. .

I'm not angry, neither do I support any sitting president, I am by nature political nihilistic. Rather, I am talking about the dialogue, the national conversation, and whether we younger adults realize it or not, the 45-65 Mitt Romney crowd as represented by the RNC recently is still a dangerous threat to collective harmony in the US. These are the corrupt businesses which exploit labor (black, white and brown!), these are the warmongers who live by some kind of silly bellicose machismo flag waving bullshit, these are gun industry supports who dump millions of dangerous weapons onto a gloated market so they can dissappear into the streets 30,000-40,000 at a time and kill and maim many unfortunate people, some of whom I've known. These assholes are symbolic of everything backwards and backwoods dangerous about America, all the bullshit bigoted attitudes hiding behind genteel manners. We need to continually put the beam on motherfucker attitudes like that, and like John Brown or Nat Turner expose these duppies for what they are. Weakheart will always tremble in the face of the stupidity of its own inherent greed, and thus in the end indeed every knee bows and every tongue confesses that we are all brothers and each should love his neighbor.

These folks will repent inevitably when we just keep the spiritual pressure of community love and genuine flexibility. Clint Eastwood said, "You, we, we own this country" and those folks cheered. Fuck that.. "Whose streets? OUR STREETS!" You can't blame the youth of today, no, and you can't fool them! Hey white folks, you should be nervous, even Ben Stein just admitted to Tavis Smiley that Republicans are blatantly on the wrong side of history. Oh, President Obama isn't a saint, and once we deal with you fuckers, we'll have plenty of time to deal with that fucker too

Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
Obamacare is a degrading word that the reps made up because THEY HAVE MONEY and believe in classes.


and fuck you Bush and your "no child left behind" shit. you love Mexicans only because they work for cheap and make you money, but you wanted to bulild that wall that cost over a million fucking dollars that never was finished. what a waste, fuck you and yr hipocritical views on illegal aliens.

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