Y'all is crazy, do you really think that the Republicans will fool yet another generation? The Democrats maybe the biggest hypocrites in American politics, but at least in between their inept and demoralizing corruption we sometimes get some shit accomplished like public education, infrastructure development, and civil rights developments. Its not like the Dems believe in that this shit themselves, but at least that is what they sell us for power. Locke Social Contract 101 says get what you can from the government. The Republicans try to tell us they want "less government" and yet in the same sentence are running for office? Excuse me but what? Further, have Republican administrations ever actually reduced government in the past? No. Are there less elected officials? No. In the past four years there have been over a million public sector layoffs, if anything, the DEMOCRATS ALREADY HAVE MADE THIS GOVERNMENT SMALL ENOUGH. We understand your insinuation and we ain't falling for it

You mean to say you want less unionized labor, you poor people to die in the streets without healthcare, you want kids to go to fucked up overcrowed schools and you want over 100,000 laid off teachers to be poor (and then without healthcare

) and you want immigrant labor to continue to live without paperwork, without civil rights, without representation, as if Caesar Chavez never existed..
Did y'll notice the ABSOLUTE LACK OF YOUTH AND COLOR at the GOP Convention? Hmm.. Tells you something about their sense of community, their values, their cultural traits. Is that necessarily the face of America? Not so much anymore. In the past "liberal" whites have always tried to fight against this exploitative white supremacist agenda masquerading itself today behind "conservativism". I feel bad for poor Condy Rice and Governor Martinez, it is disgusting how the GOP is so obviously pandering to a community that it long ago alienated. Socially conservative Latinos used to vote 2-1 for Republicans, until after 1986 when the most conservative wing hijacked the GOP and pushed racist immigration reform policies that are pro-business, pro-exploitation, and only serve to further drive undocumented labor underground where they have no representation, no voice, no rights, and are considered less than human at the mercy of corporations. Fuck that! Obama may be a scoundrel and a war-criminal, but at least he is the lesser evil then these assholes. It is a shame for me to openly say this, but I must again support this asshole Mr. Obama, because these other assholes are even stupider. After all, they still want the war, so my beef with Mr. Obama wouldn't not change, however they want to continue to gut public education, continue to benefit rich elitist businesses that exploit labor, and want to continue to pimp "undocumented" labor by denying legalization and integration which could literally be done with pen and paper!
Hey assholes, fuck you! I see through your lies, you assholes are TEN TIMES worse than the assholes we got now, much like in 2004 I'll stick with the Devil I know better than the one I don't