Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'm not that surprised, to be honest. I'll still watch it just out of curiosity but, yeah, I wasn't expecting anything great from it. Of all the superstars associated with Warhol, I probably find Joe Dallesandro the least interesting. The others all had overblown personalities that could usually help carry even the most mundane films but JD struck me as being no more than a sex symbol really.
He's always been Paul Morrissey's creature. Warhol only liked his good looks and PM had a thing for his cinematic face. I understand where he comes from with that but the guy is a terrible actor, and he just looks good on camera, no good acting skills whatsoever. I took him off my friends' list on FB a few years ago, when he didn't have a fan page proper which wouldn't bombard my news feed with his terrible taste in everything and old skool attention seeking. Good riddance. He does have an incredible arse though, I have to admit.