Originally Posted by sonic sphere
They have this for rent at my University library. From the cover it looks like something I'd like.
2 years ago at my last job my boss (he has pretty good taste, he's a Deadhead) and I were discussing my love for Juliette Lewis and he asked if I had seen Kalifornia, and I hadn't so he told me to watch it. I watched it a couple weeks later, I instantly fell in love with, and just now rewatched it. He never told me David Duchovny was in it! Growing up in to 90's watching X-Files, and I had mad manlove for David, still do! So that there is a one two punch. Seems like a solid film forgotten in the waste of the 90's. Duchovny's opposite played by Michelle Forbes, seals the film as a untouchable combination of skill along side Pitt and Lewis. Pitt is one the few mainstream actors that can always cook up a great character and breathe life into them, and his white trash tailerpark trash is one best white trash tailerpark trash characters in the history of film. Lots of laughs and great dialogue between, my love, Juliette Lewis. Not such mind bending plot and anything to outlandish but its delivery is fresh, with it coming from the stellar cast makes for a really great film.