Originally Posted by Florya
Hezbollah will never disappear. Attacking terrorist organisations only makes them stronger if you look at the history of the region.
Not attacking terrorist organisations is what makes them stronger. If a terrorist organisation is losing important personal all the time and needs to replace it`s leaders every few months, this will make it harder for them to function.
Look at it this way - Israel is killing Arabs. The US supports Israel when they kill Arabs. Israel needs weapons with which to kill Arabs. The US supplies Israel with weapons. Israel gives the US lots of money for those weapons. That money goes towards funding the Iraq fiasco where, surprise surprise, the US is killing Arabs.
Pretty weak argument. There`s more money to make in selling arms to hunderts of millions of arabs, whose countries own plenty of oil, than to the tiny state of Israel.
Surprise, surprise: In Iraq, most arabs (and mostly arab civilians that is) are killed by: arabs! The USA is trying to prevent this, and sacrifices american soldiers for it. What do you think would happen after a premature pull-out from Iraq? Most likely civil war. That`s why America is putting it`s soldiers into danger to enable the Iraqi democracy to get stronger, to rebuild it`s army and police force, and to eventually (hopefully soon) be able to control Iraq on it`s own, without US support.