...waiting until various duds failed to entertain you and alleviate your boredom
subsequently seduced though by your (new?) avatar
bought a 2003 Fender Jaguar a few weeks ago as my sixth guitar (unnecessary? Neil Young begs to differ - with his "all gtrs have certain songs within them as potential energy" music-0-philosophy), but could not help feeling a little taken in and foolish after reading a 1993
Guitar World co-interview with Kevin Shields and J. Mascis last night wherein that make is panned...
'tis no hot rod like my Strat (finally found a great one last year comparable to one i used to have), but I do like it nevertheless
and besides, the merchant charged me no tax, gave me the deluxe Fender gig bag ($80 value) and stated that I could return the guitar for $320 of the $400 paid at any time
on a different tack altogether (hedging my bets here), i remember once, in what must have been in retrospect a playful mood (play-fool mode?), making an offhand comment in one of the food threads that if i were a primordial primitive that i feel i would possibly worship tomatoes and then happened across the link below via a metafilter post today
thought it interesting & maybe you will too