I've never understood why so many people hate this movie. The jokes are funny, Howard is convincing, the cast is wonderful (Lea Thompson, Jeffrey Jones, and Tim Robbins), the crude 80's CGI is great, and the stop-motion animation towards the end is even more impressive.
Every time I watch this movie, I enjoy it. No matter how old I am. This has the same amount of charm as the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie, except with a raunchier sense of humor.
My first time seeing it in full. I'm intrigued by Lucas' non-Star Wars related efforts and I've gotta say - I like what I see very much so.
Lucas paints a wonderfully fun portrayal of his beloved decade, and even manages to get great performances out of his cast, which is almost shocking to anyone who has seen any of the more recent Star Wars films (I can't stand Hayden Christensen in anything he's in). In fact, this really reminded me of a Linklater film - except way before Richard's time in the industry. Anyone else feel that? It just feels so free-flowing, without any real central star at all.
I was confused by the ending. Where a few main characters pictures showed up and there was a brief description of what happens to each after the events of the film. Is this based on Lucas' friends and him? I don't quite understand.
Anywho, I'm watching THX 1138 tonight. It looks trippier than hell. I wish Lucas would break through his Star Wars nutshell and make something fresh and original again. His heart obviously isn't anywhere near that franchise anymore.