this intervieuw i read
makes more clear that i can't understand why things don't go wel in a professional way
that psychopats are more the ones that go on in their boat and just go on
without looking back to what happens
not that i have supernatural expectations of a society
what i do have is the knowledge that al 7 billion people are living in the world
and not all can respond to the global happenings, earthquakes, conflicks, disasters
the basic idea goes from to create something that is good on a normal level for everyone
and from there to grow to improvement
in big lines i see this as
basic school, high school, university, specialisation
the psychopat is someone who is in basic school and wants to lead the class of the specialistion
because of it unfear and it's knowing that he/she would fear others and take over the stear and go on with his/her ship
the unique specie on it's way to ???
that it doesn't know and don't care about
surely many problems in society are because of these psychopats
if you ask the next generations to make something of the world
don't ask them to solve the most difficult problems
problems the adult of today have difficulty in solving them
psychopats have no affairs in leading positions
and must be removed
have no fear to remove them from these positions
it's a 1% of the populations
won't lead to a growth of any kind
they only grow in the world in their heads
where they are super fantastic ect
a headline of the article
i say and ask the population to stop a workplace where a psychopat is the boss or remove the boss
and also importand
don't believe you have a boss
you can better have fear, prevention
then walking around thinking every day on earth is 24h paradise
bring things in perspective
it's 1 % of people that are psychopats
what have psychopats to do with nucliar plants?
hopefully none
every months there is a nature activist groups that flys into a nucliar plant and trows a fake bomb to show how unprotected nucliar plants are
for those who have to take responsibility to take responsibility
of their nucliar plants