just read an article about the writer of snakes in suits
it's a book about psychopats in leading possitions
not neccesairly killing people
creating a devestating impact on companies/multinationals
it said 1 % of the population is psychopat
the procentage highers if you go to leading positions, politics, companies/multinationals to 3 to 4 %
two kinds of psychopats groups has been recently found
one group that uses agression and less charme
the other less agression and more charme
a scary conclusion is that they don't can be changed
no therapy works
back to what you look at
if you look at it from scientific interest as nucliar devellopment started
it can be cool to learn and talk, be an interesting speaker who know things
if you look at the road of deaths
it should been stopped in it's early shoes