if there are too many childeren
then there is a choas in childerens world
and that need to be guided by people who guide the childerens world
don't know who that is or if it even exists
and then there is this run up to school
they can't be all in the same development
doesn't mean that they don't like to play together
if they are explained in a simpel way things
if they have questions about the world outside the childerens world
you can give simpel or funny answers
give examples from things they know
like sertain toys or cartoons/comics
if it is 1 or 2 school year behind it is no problem
the child can feel, reflect if the parent has this 'worrie' that is needed for nothing
then to higher school, can stay 1 or 2 years behind
also no problem
it's not that your life ends or anything
can study later in life
people who are 60-80 still get their university diploma