Originally Posted by Genteel Death

I'm really surprised that you rated Stagefright so much higher than The Church. I'm quite a big Michele Soavi fan but I think Stagefright's one of those films that only seemed to get going in the last 15 minutes, whereas I thought The Church, though less brilliant than the end of Stagefright was much more watchable overall. The Church was the film that started me thinking that Argento might ultimately be a better producer than he is a director.
I would've sworn that Sabrina Salerno was in Stagefright, as one of the dancers, but I can't seem to find any mention of it anywhere.
Have you seen Mario Bava's Shock (sometimes called Beyond the Door 2)? If you liked Macabre it's also written by Lamberto Bava. A really underrated movie I think and probably the best role Daria Nicolodi's ever had.