it is like that
you know all know that to
all who stayed ope for modern new accurate information
all have problems of rejecting their old information
for all kinds of reasons
for them take time
most of them come from the pre-modern information time
it is like it is
and in the past there where people who where smart to a sertain level
not like these day
these days go over the dreams the old pioneers
compleet new times are going
just go into a time block of 2030 - the mars mission
that is where these people with new information live in
it's very effective and energy reducing
more the people can't do
ok people are peacefull
an experiment = NO
the limits have reached
the future goes on in the timeblock though
and then see what projects there are all realized
and how efficent it all worked
that is how i think
you can copy a thought there is nothing wrong with that
and go continue to live in modern states of minds
it's all thought world
it doesn't exist