Originally Posted by knox
i have a nostalgic connection to malibu.
You too? Of course I bet our nostalgia is for such opposite reasons you couldn't imagine..
Originally Posted by gast30
and how are things in la, such friendsaredangerous?
It is what it is. Delightful as can be. We have the perfect blend of surging spiritual optimism and a biting boding angst. the anniversary of the 92 Uprising just concluded today.. the hood by our own efforts became a community. the rest of the city simply became plastic to pretend it had healed. case in point, they used to slam heroin in the street and have gang related shootings in the Sunset area. Now, they have shopping centers and starbucks and expensive lofts. Speaking of heroin..
Originally Posted by floatingslowly
After the day I've had today, I'm thinking about getting into heroin.
Short term, a lot of fun. Long term, not so nice. Of course I didn't slam, we just pretended we were smoking "opium" for a little while that extended into a short while, into a brief period.. that's how ol Jerry Bear got caught slippin too, with opium **coughs** heroin..