Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
I have The Creature Walks Among Us on VHS. Still haven't watched it. 
The Creature Walks Among Us.
I had fond memories of this but, watching it again, I can't really see how. It's not awful but takes forever to get going and, even when it does, it's a bit of a let down. Closer to the Frankenstein story than any of the others, it's probably got the most interesting things to say about the whole ethics of science thing, but it says them in such a long-winded and not particularly interesting way that even that doesn't save it. And, while crucial to the story, I really didn't like the way they made the creature look more human in this one. Although the final scene is a bona fide 50 sf/horror classic.
Either way, this is what we want:
Not this: