Originally Posted by demonrail666
They made two sequels. The third film is The Creature Walks Among Us, and isn't bad. The first one, Creature From the Black Lagoon, is one of my favourite monster movies. I can watch it over and over again. It just ticks about every box I have. I don't think it matters that it isn't scary, and I doubt if it was, even when it was released. Lots of my favourite horror films don't scare me at all. If anything, I'd say Creature From the Black Lagoon is more sad or even romantic than scary.
Damn. This has got me in the mood to watch The Creature Walks Among Us ...
I love the Creature From the Black Lagoon! I must've seen it like 4 times, once it played in 3D w/ live orchestra at this old theater in Detroit. One of the finest experiences of my life.
I have The Creature Walks Among Us on VHS. Still haven't watched it.