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Old 04.05.2012, 05:02 PM   #13
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alright mang here it goes. i'm taking notes as i rewatch so it will go in that order.

who reads the disclaimer at the beginning?

handheld camera is cool but sometimes too shaky-- it pans wildly. more on this later.

the main character i get is this horrible person. ("nobody is laughing")

i like the cut to jesus. [later: i dont know what role religion plays for him]

i don't hear well what they are saying in that room. are you using NR plugins to cut noise after recording? there's also loud hiss. not sure what mic you used but you can get a decent rode short shotgun for cheap ($100-200).

the chick does a good job acting.

his routine: use a de-esser

the weird old man, arthur, is totally offensive and hilarious. his is one of my favorite segments.

the canned laughter doesn't work for me most of the time.

i like the music, generally.

the thing friend back in the room it's funny too but the recorded laugh doesn't work for me. i won't say that again tho just try watching it without?

are you using lights? there's a lot you could do with some cheap lowells. sitcoms and tv usually use high key light, it's easy to do & people can move around. so something that will boost the light levels should work.

dr's office or something- handheld is cool but see about stabilizer. like a merlin, or a fig rig or something. you don't need to use a tripod, just have more camera control.

2 chicks on the bed w/ lights/effects was cool, is that what they want to do vs. what they are actually doing? regardless of whatever it means the contrast is cool.

k having a hard time understanding the dialogue again. your boom operator needs more practice & some headphones.

mannequin fucking-- bizarre and funny. when the door gets knocked, why the laughter? lisa does look good. oh mang the laughs why. stabilize camera.

k one thing i realize at this point is the camera angles & shots. there's lots of long and medium shots and few closeups. also the camera angle from above doesn't work for me there. if you could cut and do the 2 shot at eye level it would work better. yeah you need to cut and set up again but it would work better. this reminds me w/ the old man the shots were also from above always. put that knee on the ground and get to eye level more.

the shower part is more bizarre shit that i like with that wolf hat.

oh i get that now that lisa cheated w/ the other girls? i don't get why these 2 like each other.

the next routine i didn't like and i dont know if he's really joking or just playing an ass.

anyway i think you got a good idea there, a character everyone can hate, and bring back that funny old man.

for characters everyone can hate, it's not my kind of thing but there's shows like peepshow that are based on that-- ive had arguments w/ people here about it, but regardless, you don't need to have a "likeable" character. i just wanna see or hear more clearly what he's saying so mics is the thing to do. and lights. light that thing.

also this is something completely different but have you watched "workaholics"? this reminds me of that show somehow-- well it's a stretch but it has some common stuff. watch it & see.

anyway so if this justin guy is the main character, who are the others? is he a kind of mr. bean who exists in his own universe? or do the others around him count? i think they could come across more as characters of their own so you have more of an ensemble situation like seinfeld if that's what you like (i saw your post about the 90s), but they need more of a story rather than just be around him i think.

but anyway if you had to prioritize 1 thing and 1 thing only i'd say start with audio! audio is more than 50% of video, doesn't need to be perfect but what they're saying has to be clear, like the old man, and make sure it doesn't clip. try having your dialogue peaks at -12 maybe?

check this out and read up on part 3:

you see their loudness target is -24db. that's PBS which is "quieter" than other TV but it works.

or see this:

ok man, i gotta run, i don't know if this was useful to you but i hope it was.

ps- do you storyboard your shots?

moar bout dat later. k-- be well dude. talk soon.
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