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Old 07.14.2006, 11:53 AM   #68
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without having read the majority of the posts here, and with apologies if this has already been brought up, i'm with israel on this one.

the primary reason why hamas was elected is not economic; it is because they are most consistent in bringing about the palestinians' goal: the destruction of israel. ever since the foundation of israel in the late '40s, the palestinians, and the majority of the middle east for that matter, have made it their ultimate goal to get israel out of the middle east. if you remember, when israel pulled out of the gaza strip last year, masked palestinian gunmen poured into the streets chanting that jerusalem would be next. coincidence? i think not.

the current situation, as i understand it anyway, is that iran is providing assistance to hezbollah in lebanon, provoking an israeli counterattack and distracting attention from its nuclear program. this is in keeping with its two primary objectives: to get the bomb and to destroy israel. naturally, this only underscores the incredible need to rid the world of the iranian regime; not only is iran already the #1 sponsor of terrorism worldwide, but if it ever gets a nuke on its hands we can kiss our asses goodbye, as it will naturally target israel first and then get into the cute little business of selling the suckers to terrorists. all of c. rice's and the un's mealy-mouthed "iran is not living up to its international obligations and further isolating itself" whining notwithstanding, it is waaaay past time to completely annihilate the iranian regime; no gifts will ever deter zealots like ahmadinejad.

that said, while i'm sure there are some, even many, normal palestinians whose heads aren't fucked over by dreams of a mushroom cloud over tel aviv, we are talking about people who elected a woman who sent her son into a marketplace with a bomb on his back to represent them in parliament.

saying israel and the palestinians should live peacefully together is like saying the us and al-qaida should live peacefully together.
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