the israeli government is out of control in general. the majority of israeli citizens have plenty of contempt for the actions of their government as they know that such actions do nothing but further endanger their lives.
america's decision to start a war with afghanistan because a terrorist organization has bases there has opened up a nasty can of worms. now any nation can use that conflict as an example of how terrorism is supposed to be combatted.
while the rest of the world can come out strongly against the disproportionate actions of the israeli government and the IDF, america (not that they'd say anything anyway, for some ludicrous reason...) can't say anything without looking entirely hypocritical.
why america ever supported the possibility for a country the size of new jersey to have the fourth largest army in the world as well as nuclear arms is a mystery to me. i'd love to see how much more willing to be a partner in peace israel would be if they had a military the size of lebanon or syria...