Originally Posted by demonrail666
I know this is really a thread about literature, but the movie and TV series Wild Wild West seems to fit quite neatly into the Steampunk genre. Also, the movie version of Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentleman. And while it doesn't really qualify as a whole, some scenes in David Lynch's Dune film might also be seen as being a bit Steampunk-ish.
Also the Final Fantasy games get quite steampunky at times:

So, I like where this thread is going. Apologies for being a douchebag before.
Spam the list, please.
demonrail666, you are spot-on. That's true in all aspects and it's something I would recommend as well. And I like to add a note in regards to Alan Moore's "League Of Extraordinary Gentleman": The comic-book series is the place to go for properly enjoying this, I think the film adaptation is lame in comparison, even though one would think the technology and budget available, in addition to a great story, would have given a fair amount of chances of producing something really awesome, but that's not the case (no wonder why it was a flop and the initially planned sequel never actually materialized). Alan Moore disowned it and didn't want his name to be attached to the film by any means, even to the point of refusing to get royalties, I think (same thing for all other movies adapted from his work such as "From Hell", and "V For Vendetta", for instance)...