Originally Posted by hipster_bebop_junkie
Considering wikipedia as only "a gathering of data from multiple sources" might imply you could find some quick references that would lead you on your way to find what you want, in a much faster and efficient way that you would do in a forum which main intent and aspiration is to be the ultimate "soap opera" on the internet or some such shit, according to my own limited and somewhat retarded perception anyway. I am not exactly looking for any confrontation nor against any kind of thread whatsoever, that was just my way of expressing how absurd I do think it is to ask for something in a place with more focus on other themes these days, especially because information is vast, and easy to find, and not exactly prominent in this board if your intent is actually to immerse a little bit deeply in such a branch of art and entertainment. That would be like saying I am interested in quantum physics, and live in a piss-awful neighborhood, but since I'm mostly comfortable with my surroundings and I'm too lazy to go to a library, I reckon I'll just ask that old stinky homeless on the streets (no offense to any of you guys, ha ha). That old bum might be a fucking mastermind able to provide me with the gospel truth on the matter. Maybe your interest is not so serious, though.
Having said that shit, I'm glad you are able to find something useful in this thread (I did too). Even though I reckon I come across as bitter, and I'm really thinking I should have been wiser and avoid posting a mess like this, I do see a bunch of reason in what floatingslowly and demonrail666 have mentioned up to this point and I'm in agreement with their statements even if they seem vaguely contradictory to each other...
Also, my mention of "cyber-punk" was just to acknowledge a knot between the two sub-genres, and just in the same sense of my mention of "The Difference Engine" and also the comic books on the subject, it does imply it might be interesting to explore the forest so to speak, and not only an specific tree. Nothing more than that to it.
Blah, blah. Whatever.
I've done wiki and the library. I guess I'm just looking for a second opinion from someone I trust (even if it's only a little bit

Basically, I work all day, mostly with condescending over-quailfied but under-educated chauvinistic assholes, and when I'm not working I'm thinking about work. This is an easy access sounding board for someone like me who is too damn busy.