Originally Posted by ann ashtray
Why would spirtual beings feel some need to turn into/create some light source and just prance around the sky from time to time? I think extra terrestrials are more likely, even though I don't believe in them. But then again, I don't believe in spiritual beings either even though I sometimes want to (can't though because there is no evidence/real reason for me to). Atheism is on the rise something serious. The church/organized religion is experiencing rough times that are only going to get worse. In the last few years church goers between the ages of 22 and 30 has dropped some 40 something percent (which yeah, I realize even some religious people think is a good thing, and it is). I think society as a whole is becoming less spiritual and slowly becoming more dependent on science as a means of explanation, all the while accepting the fact that some questions will likely always remain unanswered (extra terrestrial life being a good example, god being a better one). I think religion is worse than the goverment, as it's a powerful tool they've used time and time again in attempt at controlling the masses. Christianity and violence have always (and until it dies, which will happen despite popular belief) will. Of course this violence isn't exclusive to Christianity (I always use it as an example because it is the religion I come into contact with most). Atheist haven't been responsible for much bad (one of few examples given time and time again is Stalin, but for every one atheist or supposed atheist that has brought along trouble ten religious sorts can be name dropped).
Religion just needs to die already. 
what does organized religion have to do with the potentiality of UFOs being super-spiritual beings rather then technologically advanced extra-terrestrials? I mean, hey, if you want to vent your anti-religious frustrations here please, I'm all ears for the tantrum, however seriously, is it really relevant?