Originally Posted by E. Noisefield
There is absolutely no shame in that.
Dark Knight is among my favorite movies EVER MADE and easily the best Batman movie, best superhero movie, and best movie of the new century.
The fact that that movie didn't receive a nomination for Best Picture is fool-proof evidence that the academy awards are FULL OF SHIT and mean nothing.
dark night was alright and i don't want to dispute your taste if it's your FAVORITE EVARRRRRR, that's your prerogative, but "best movie of the new century"? that's nuts.
here's some list i didn't put together, but i'd match a lot of them against the dark night any day, starting with pan's labyrinth, the lives of others, royal tennenbaums, spirited away, crouching tiger, in the mood for love, eternal sunshine, city of god, and a bunch of others that appear there. and that's just looking at that list.