After first reading The Monster Show by David J. Skal, however many years ago, I became interested in Browning as a person. The man is famous for directing Dracula, and infamous for helming the cult classic, Freaks - a film which got him blackballed from the industry almost entirely.
Prior to his movie making career, Browning ran away with the circus when he was 16, where he worked as a hypeman for freak shows, and later perfected his own act where he was literally buried alive in front of an audience, entitled "The Living Corpse"; eventually performing as a circus clown.
Now, even knowing all that about the man, I still haven't seen any of his films aside from Dracula, and Freaks - NOT EVEN THE LON CHANEY ONES! I was wondering if anyone could possibly enlighten me as to what I should seek out next.
I know someone here has to be more familiar with his body of work than me.
*cough* Demonrail, LifeDistortion, NR, nicfit, etc. *cough*