Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that man can see the future! makes you look apebrained by comparison.
no iq!
^^ !@#$% that man can see the future?
what can you see?
findout soon cause we are already in the future
and maybe win a mobile phone
so when you have serious problems we can call god
like in japan:
japan:- god fukushima is exploded
god: those geniususus of the nucliar lobby have build the nucliarplant in the safest place on earth
japan: yeah we genius god, we know, we already had big lessons of radiactive with the a*bom
god: you people sure are learning from the past
japan: thank you god
god: no problem, in your fantasy you think i'm going to solve all the problems, i'm only fiction, no thanks your welcome
end conversation with god