here a few examples of what i have seen recently on the tv
this video clip sez : JOIN THE PRON INDUSTRY
why? a famous pornactor is in the video clip
so to the youth > jion the porn industry
-on a dutch tv show:- program for youth
who do they invite?
a woman who owns a escort service
... so the woman talks in the youth program about the servises they give to rich people
you can rent escort girls for a party
and they also sed how much money you can earn??? why?
so they make 1000$ an hour
the woman of the escortservice was talking about bounga bounga party's of the famous berluscony party animal with teenwhores
ect.. and also that they have customers to even in the mid east
probably saoudy arabia
who like whores and partys aswell
and also the bankrupt greece
there are still rich greece who call whores from the netherland escort for a party
what you think of this side commercialising of the sexindustry on the media?
for young people i think they don't know what is goin on in the world
-mass youth suicides
-mass abuse of childeren
to talk reality of the netherlands : 4 of 10 dutch girls is sexually abused before the age of 16
the sexindustry is compleetly blind for the rapes and the sexual abuses of the peoples
for me the sexindustry is the vatican
the vatican = blind for sexual abuse/rape/ trauma
the sexindustry = blind for sexual abuse/rape / trauma
these are my thoughts of the low iq media of today 2011/12/08
that is what you have to read
read between the lines
if you have IQ
this is the global IQ line of the world population
90% of the people have lower IQ then 130