Originally Posted by EVOLghost
One thing I do not understand is the so called "bad trips". .
You never really know what is in people's heads - one who appears to be a calm high-performer may really just be a series of desperate coping strategies...maybe thats all we all are anyway...
But also you can't discount that on the black market who even knows what is and where it came from and how many lower intestines it had been smuggled in before you got it.
But in the 50's people like Huxley felt only the cultural elites should use these hallucinogens. Then Kesey and Ginsberg and Leary came along and helped to roll them out to the masses...
<<Daturas I have had serious problems. >>
I smoked a little of this about 20 years ago and decided it would be a good idea to walk to Tower records. It was a little weird because I lost the ability to perceieve dimensions, everything became flat, and all the edges of the buildings looking down the street all seemed to be one flat surface. I didn't like it and threw the shit away. Its absolutely devastating stuff...I suspect it was one of the most active ingredients in Don Juans brew..