That sampson looks sweet.
I've been checking out other boards and sources of info. Don't worry. No one else seems to have any clue, either.
Giving a shrugging "What the fuck?" I plopped down some cash for this: . Just as hissy as the mic that came free with the computer.
Because I get lousy sound on three different computers, I'm not sure it's the sound card, unless all 3 computers suck. I guess that's possible.
My only hesitation in getting the ZOOM is I can't figure out if/how it can be used as a live mic. Or will I have to record a few tracks on that and then dump them to Audacity or whatever?
Anyway, all this is bullshit. Soundcloud, Bandcamp, even Myspace is LOADED with idiot kids who've seemed to have figured all this out. I feel like there's this really cool party I am welcome to join if only I could find the fucking directions, and no one I ask for assistance can do better than, "I think it's down that road."