bananapapre focus is a good one
it's a humans life key for food and water
no key for food = death
no fair fight in that
and then ofcourse you ahve parents who keep producing baby's in overpopulation
overpopulation that became a explosive coctail of happenings and events on planet earth
life is full with traps
for escapisme there is a drugs trap > meth herion crack alchol
for unsecurity about human body is the cosmetic industry
for overweight there is the betterlifestyle industry with commercials of exersice equipment, ect.. non stop on the tv
for bored peoples there is penis + vagina or penis + penis, or vagina + vagina or a mixture of all kinds of apeshit movies
warmovies + online live wars world wide
and some have seen a warmovie too much and are lost in the heroism of lowbrain saccrifice for ????? the lowbrain idealistic life like all should obey a selfmade fiction that is uberlowbrain