11.09.2011, 05:38 PM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 8,744
Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
The other day I made fun of some occupy protestors, because truly, humans are too stupid and we need to be led. Told what to do.
Then me and my girlfriend took acid, had sex for 4 hours, walked around the woods, and then went to my bands show that I had to play and I played the set trippin balls and about 8 beers while playing...didnt fuck up once, besides stuff getting unplugged but that's because beer was spilt everywhere and on the floor making it slippery.
I had strangers buying shots and a friends band buying shots and giving them to us on stage.
We went back to our friends house where the touring band was crashing and talked about politics, science, and world events and then got more drunk and stoned (altho I could only feel the acid) and we played N64 knockout kings for a few hours
