Originally Posted by nicfit

hi gast
why only unicorn women? Or are there men too? what does evolution say on this?
evolution sez that egcell and spermcell create the most energy saving and simple construction for the next DNA creation
the laws of evolution is energysaving from the early stage
> celdevision = basic instruction guide for dna development in function of finding food and water , that is for landanimals ofcourse
all animals have oceanic background
bacteria origin
if..? this womans horn is real
wich i don't think so
this comes more over like a indiana jones strange people show
if it is real then it's an error form the DNA to create a perfect animal that is perfectly designed to survive > find food> find water
all DNA, from creating brain, to flesh and blood and bones = designed for food & water only
the human landanimal is only designed for that only and nothing more
the simplicity of the universe
et viola
does that answerd your question
in what evolution sez in general and this unicorn lady?
i'm not gonna talk about the evolution design of previous sapians shapes
i have no time for that
every sapian is responisble for it's own brainwork
or else you just copy someone elses brainwork and your brain never worked